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Mutsindo ECD Center is Constructed!

Mutsindo ECD Center is Constructed!

Team from Child Fund Korea visits

Team from Child Fund Korea visits

PCCR supported Home -based ECDs by giving flour and cooking oil

PCCR supported Home -based ECDs by giving flour and cooking oil

PCCR distributed flour to 67 Home - based ECDs

PCCR distributed flour to 67 Home - based ECDs

PCCR donates hens to the Gashanda Sector

PCCR donates hens to the Gashanda Sector

PCCR donates kitchen and hygiene materials to 33 home-based ECDs

PCCR donates kitchen and hygiene materials to 33 home-based ECDs

Stakeholder Training

Stakeholder Training

Home based ECD Training

Home based ECD Training

Launching Musave ECD Center

Launching Musave ECD Center

Parenting Child Care Rwanda holds Child Rights Campaign

Parenting Child Care Rwanda holds Child Rights Campaign
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